High-Resolution Images Using Fast, Sharp, Branded Lenses and Cameras

Prime Lens and Tripod, Permission Secured in Advance
(Montréal, Canada)

Prime Lens, Handheld, No Post-Processing
(Washington, D.C.)

Meticulous Detail, Exposure Bracketing in Low-Light, Tripod, Processed With Capture One and Photoshop
(Rome, Italy)

Long Range Zoom, High-Detail, Handheld, No Post-Processing
(Washington, D.C.)

Monochrome, Highly-Populated with Tourists, Handheld
(Milan, Italy)

Monochrome, Highly-Populated with Tourists, Long Exposure, Tripod
(New York City)

Long Exposure, New Year’s Day, Tripod
(Boston, Massachusetts)

Remote Region, Handheld
(Idaho, United States)

Bold Spacial Perspective, Tripod
(Manhattan from west of the Hudson River)

Geometric Perspective, Handheld, Post-Processed in Capture One
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

Creative Angles, Multiple Exposures, Bracketing, Tripod, Permission Secured in Advance
(New York City, Grand Central Terminal)

Natural Life, Low-Light, Navigating Tourism, Handheld, Foreign Cultural Skills
(Paris, France)

Natural Life, Handheld, Foreign Cultural Skills
(Rome, Italy)

Capturing Artistic Intent, Handheld, Foreign Language Skills
(Barcelona, Spain)

Book Printing and Cover Design
(London, United Kingdom)

The London Book written and photographed by Stephen Je
Grand tour: a collection of 100 photos and maps


Stephen Je is an artificial intelligence, video game, and web developer.
He has a degree in computer science from MIT and a minor in economics from MIT Sloan.
His product launches include Microsoft Windows 95 and Oracle Database 8i.
He founded an award-winning Internet of Things (IoT) startup.
He has 10 editor's choice awards.
And he has won a Time Magazine Writing Award.
He is also a professional photographer.

Built my first search engine in 1990 for the Texas State Science Fair --- they made fun

Stephen Je

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